What To Expect
Lifehouse Littles are our babies 4 months old to age 5 when they enter Kindergarten. We want to share the love of Jesus with your littles while you encounter Him during your time of worship in the sanctuary.

Four months to age 24 months will meet in our nursery and play and are taken care of during the service. We also have a corner of the nursery for nursing mothers who need a private place to care for the needs of their child during the service.

Two and three year olds are in our tots room where they have a time of worship and a lesson to learn more about Jesus. We also provide them with a snack during this time, a time for a craft and let them have some play time.

Our Pre-K class is the same as our tots class, except they get to experience KidsHouse worship with the older kids! This class is for our four and five year olds!